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5 Animal-Inspired Plants

5 Animal-Inspired Plants

There are over 400,000 plant species of all shapes, sizes and colour on Earth. Some have sneakily evolved to look like an entirely different type of creature in an effort to gain an evolutionary advantage. But for other plants, it’s just a cute coincidence that they resemble an animal. Here are five of those.

Bear Paw (Cotyledon Tomentosa)

The thick and velvety leaves of Cotyledon tomentosa are soft to the touch and truly ressemble tiny bear paws. This African succulent appreciates sunlight and the toes of the paws will turn a bright pink if the sunlight is intense enough! Watch out for its beautiful orange flowers in the springtime. 


Sea Urchin Cactus (Echinocactus Grusonii)

This famous golden barrel cactus is also known as the Sea Urchin Cactus. In ideal conditions, this spiky creature can reach diameters of 80cm. If you you stumble upon this cactus, act quick as it is becoming increasingly rare!


Mickey Mouse Cactus (Opuntia Microdasys)

The most popular member of the Opuntia family, Opuntia microdasys grows by pushing out little ears that gives it a striking ressemblance to a certain little mouse. This plant is easy to take care of and easier to share. All you need to do is twist one of the ears off, let it dry, and replant it in soil to have a new baby Opuntia!

String of Turtles (Peperomia Prostrata)

Peperomia prostrata is made of many round leaves that have an impressive tortoise-shell pattern. This Latin American plant appreciates higher humidity and indirect light. Its trailing stems make it the perfect plant for a hanging basket!

Han Keat

String of Dolphins (Senecio Peregrinus)

As the name suggests, this adorable hybrid succulent grows small dolphin shaped leaves along its trailing stems. Not only is this Senecio a quick grower, it is also very easy to propagate. It's as simple as planting a stem in soil and spraying it with water. Once the plant has rooted up, you can water only when the soil is dry. To get the fastest growth, this plant enjoys a bit of bright sunlight!

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